How to Write a Proposal for Construction Projects
A well-thought-out and well-written proposal is critical to your company’s ability to get work and successfully complete the work at a profit. So here are the first steps you need to take to learn how to write a proposal letter.
You have to make sure your proposals have a professional look. That means your company name and the name and contact information for your salesperson can be easily identified and found.
The questions you need to ask BEFORE you can answer, "How to write a proposal l
May 16th 2023
Residential Construction Contracts in Texas - Southwest Scaffolding
If you are a contractor who specializes in residential construction in Texas, you need a residential construction contract tailored to conform with Texas law. Below are some statutes and guidelines you should follow to maximize your right to payment.
Residential Construction Contract Requirements: Statutes that Govern Residential Contracts
1. Texas Property Code §53.255 and .256 requires contractor to provide a list of disclosures and list of subcontractors and suppliers to the homeow
May 16th 2023
Unraveling the Mysterious World of Indemnity and Defense
OK, unraveling may be too strong a term, but there is a lot of mystery surrounding the concepts of indemnity and defense. What are they and why should you care? You should care because they are in almost all commercial construction contracts and because generally the indemnity and defense obligations flow downstream from the Owner to the General to the subcontractor and beyond.
For instance, the window contractor fails to properly install the window and rain leaks inside the building and dama
Feb 28th 2022
The Do's and Don'ts of Employee Reviews
By Karen Ensley, Board-Certified Construction Law Attorney
Match performance appraisals and performance plans to measurable objectives. Develop performance goals in an objective way so you can make meaningful assessments of performance.
Align the results of the performance appraisal with other anticipated personnel decisions. It sends mixed messages if managers give employees poor performance appraisals and then reward employees with a promotion or raise.
Make the perfo
Feb 28th 2022
Social Media Policy For Construction Companies
Should Your Company Have a Social Media Policy?
The world of today is lived largely on social media. Millennials, Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and some who are just very social and want an easy way to stay in touch with others can be found frequently posting their thoughts and experiences on social media. Companies that would never have considered social media as a platform for reaching potential customers five years ago now have Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, YouTube channels, and posts anywhere else
Feb 28th 2022